Aug. 2007, was my first call with the Queen of Grants, who always wears purple. She shared with my husband and me about her program and how we could get our Legacy started. My husband was very apprehensive about this whole thing.
We decided to do it! I was off to the races to get my legacy up and running.
I started out with 3 men coaches. Wow!
The first thing was for me to figure out what it was I wanted to develop, to visualize my dream and see it all the way through. I would take it from start to finish. Then I could add the extras.
As I said in the first post, I was mainly thinking about the unwed parents and children. At that point that was my focus.
My fear was starting to set in BIG TIME! I kept thinking and saying, "I can't do this. I am just a farmer's wife. I have never done anything like this before. How can I do this?" I kept beating myself up for getting myself in such a program, how did I ever think I could do something like this? I thought they were to do the "heavy lifting!" Sure didn't feel like it.
Fear was #1 here. It was my biggest obstacle.
I flew to New Mexico for a training and I was a real basket case by then, because I didn't think I could do this. In fact, I was convinced that there was no way and I would tell them to forget it and give me my money back. On the plane a fine gentleman who managed 8 manufacturing plants in the Midwest sat beside me. As we visited I shared with him what I was doing. He said "Renita, in 3 months you will not believe how far you have come, keep going and you will surprise yourself."
I was still upset. But the people at the training were marvelous. My head coach, Brett, gave me a hug and said "Renita how do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Ok got it!
On the 15th of Aug. I wrote in my journal "I am going to do this if it takes my whole being to make it work." I worked on my assignment for the next 2 weeks and got the doors slammed shut in my face. Okay, can't go that direction.
Now what do I do?Renita Farrall
What is going to be your legacy?