"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again." -Abraham Maslow 1908-1970 Psychologist
This quote really spoke loudly to me as I was wanting to go back towards safety, but knowing that I would never grow, helped me to gradually move the fear aside. It has been a slow process, but I am much less fearful today then I was one year ago.
We started working on the mission statement. The following is what we came up with at this point in Nov. 2007: To provide programs and services that foster family and community interaction; while striving to preserve family life.
Accomplishments being made:
- The Articles of Incorporation was being worked on by Coach Brett and the concept page was starting to be build.
- Mailed in the application for Reservation of Corporate name.
Got the Bios of the new directors to be sent to Coach Brett.
Nov. and Dec. was kind of quite for me with That's It, I'm Going to Grandma's! I still had not told anyone. Not even Jeff Wellman and Dixie Brown because I didn't know what their reaction would be. I was learning about affiliate marketing from them.
The end of Dec. around the 30th was when I got brave and shared with Dixie about That's It, I'm Going to Grandma's! She totally surprised me with saying "that is what I want to do!" I had shared with her my plans of what I wanted to do within That's It, I'm Going to Grandma's! and her response was so overwhelming I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Dixie shared with me that that follows right along with what she would like to do.
The following email tells you how I felt after talking to Dixie:
Hi Brett,
I just got off the phone from talking to my coach and she told me about a gentleman that she just talked to the other night after talking to me about the grant program and she found out that this man who is doing things on the Internet is totally blind and so she wanted to share with me how we need to do something to make it possible for the handicap to be able to function on the Internet. She is now working with him on how he can jazz up his website to make it more interesting for people.
this is so unbelievable what just telling one person can do. I am so pumped right now being able to believe that we can start to make a difference in peoples lives.
This is so huge.
I love it.
Renita Farrall
I think you can see on Dec. 31, 2007 was the point when my whole mood and feelings started changing. January is coming.!