Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goals for 2009

Sorry guys and gals, I have taken a long siesta. Why?  I don't know, other then I just got overwhelmed with other things going on. No excuses.  Just me.

For my New Years Resolutions or I am calling them my goals for 2009 I want to change some things. So for the last couple of weeks I have been thinking what it is I want to accomplish for 2009. 2009 represents to me the year of increasing my income of improving myself as a business person and to do what I am going to have to become more proficient in keeping my focus and not letting myself getting sidetracked.  I seem to have a tendency to doing that.

I just read an email from Marna Goldstein Thail about goals and I thought they were great so I would like to share them with you. She is a weigh loss coach so the examples relate to that. Whaever your goals are -- make them to fit your situations as I have done for myself.

1. "Focus on what you want. Many people focus on what they don't want. "They don't want fat thighs" - they might say. Say instead "I want thin toned thighs that I am excited to show off."
Renita's Goal- I have a $500/month increase in my income. I am excited to pay off an existing bill.

2. "Write your goals as though they already exist. Write out your goals as if you have already achieved them. Start out by saying, "On March 31st, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am wearing a size 8." Goals that say "I hope" or "I will" or "I want" will keep you hoping, willing, and wanting for the future. You want your goals to be magnetic. "
Renita's Goal- On March 31st, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am writing one blog post each day and an email to my Aweber account each week.

3. "Only set three to five goals. If you set more than five goals, you may be overwhelming yourself. Have a few body goals, a financial goal, a spiritual goal, or whatever area you want
to focus on. Too many goals = distraction.

4. Set goals in a three month time frame. If today is December 31st, set your goal achievement day for three months from now, March 31st. I can work on anything for 12 weeks, but once it becomes 6-12 months, it's just too long and you most likely you will lose focus.

5. Ignite your senses. Take a moment every few days to read at least one goal that really inspires you. Then take one minute and feel this goal as if it has already occurred. Then go further - walk the walk, talk the talk, and BE the person who has accomplished this goal. Your whole physiology will change. If I'm walking around like I'm a size 8 when I'm a size 22, you better believe I'm going to see an immediate shift. The key is to just keep it up."

My Goals are:
1. I have a $500/month increase in my income. I am excited to pay off an existing bill.

2. On March 31st, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am writing one blog post each day and adding one email to my Aweber account each week.

3. On March 31st, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am seeing an increase in children coming to the Library.

4. On March 31st, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am making money online because I was one of Jeff Wellman, Dixie Brown and Paul Counts winners for their free Rapid Cash Marketing coaching.

5. I have received the city building in Harvard for That's It, I'm Going to Grandma's! I am so excited about this because that means to me that the city feels I have something important to offer our community and it gives me exposure to the citizens in Harvard and surrounding area.

I wish you a Happy New Year and much success in 2009.

Renita Farrall

1 comment:

  1. This is great advice! You may want to check out for a great website that uses a proven methodology and the power of social networking to help people achieve their goals!!
    Would love it if you became a member and shared some of your Life List goals and stories!!

    Bill Starr
    CEO, My Life List™


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